I used to looooove filling out things like this when I had a MySpace. So, for likely no one's pleasure aside from my own, I give you a SURVEY:
1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed. Yes, it bothers me.
2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Of course! Waste not, want not.
3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Half and half?
4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
5:Do you like to use post-it notes?
I love post-it notes, though they make me feel guilty.
6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
Yep, that's me in a sentence.
7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
A swarm of bees.
8:Do you have freckles?
Not really.
9:Do you always smile for pictures?
Pretty much always.
10:What is your biggest pet peeve?
11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Ah, I do sometimes! OCD right here...
12:Have you ever peed in the woods?
That's the most fun way to do it!
13:What about pooped in the woods?
When you gotta go...
14:Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
Yeah, but I prefer music. Otherwise it sorta feels like talking to yourself. Plus, I hate watching people dance w/o music.
15:Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I used to a lot. I've given up that habit.
16:How many people have you slept with this week?
Just the one!
17:What size is your bed?
Twin w/a trundle, biotch.
18:What is your Song of the week?
Remember when you asked me interesting questions?
19:Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
20:Do you still watch cartoons?
Not intentionally, but I wouldn't leave the room.
21:Whats your least favorite movie?
I can't think of one. That's not to say they don't exist.
22:Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Why would I tell you??
23:What do you drink with dinner?
Wine in celebration, water in normalcy.
24:What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
It used to be honey. I don't eat those anymore.
25:What is your favorite food?
26:What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Anything by John Hughes, Beauty and the Beast, The Secret Garden, Mermaids.
27:Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My parents. Dawww.
28:Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Nope. I would've liked to be a boy scout, though.
29:Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Only if I really trusted the photographer and how it was going to be presented. Soooo -- likely not.
30:When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Two days ago.
31:Can you change the oil on a car?
Haha, nope!
32:Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Nope, knock on wood.
33:Ever ran out of gas?
No, I'm way to panicky to let that happen.
34:Favorite kind of sandwich?
PB, honey, banana. Mmmmmm. Or just about any sandwich made by a guy.
35:Best thing to eat for breakfast?
WAFFLES. Or muffins. Or crepes! Breakfast is pretty damn fine with me anyway you serve it up.
36:What is your usual bedtime?
37:Are you lazy?
I have my days. A lot.
38:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I tried to be original -- usually something I'd thought of 2 months ahead. Oftentimes I dressed up as a dude -- Toy Story's Woody, Pablo Picasso, The Phantom of the Opera... and there's nothing better than when face paint gets involved.
39:What is your Chinese astrological sign?
40:How many languages can you speak?
2, if you count my shitty French.
41:Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Not anymore.
42:Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
43:Are you stubborn?
I AM NOT! ;)
44:Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
Don't care.
45:Ever watch soap operas?
46:Are you afraid of heights?
Only if I have to stand looking down at them on something that I fear will break.
47:Do you sing in the car?
48:Do you sing in the shower?
If I know I'm alone in the house. Or softly.
49:Do you dance in the car?
If a great song comes on, I've been known to groove a bit.
50:Ever used a gun?
Ew, no.
51:Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
A poster shot last month.
52:Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Some of them.
53:Is Christmas stressful?
No way! Christmas is wonderful!
54:Ever eat a pierogi?
A what??
55:Favorite type of fruit pie?
56:Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
A teacher? A ballerina. A vet. A singer.
57:Do you believe in ghosts?
58:Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Of course!
59:Take a vitamin daily?
I try to, but I forget all the time.
60:Wear slippers?
61:Wear a bath robe?
62:What do you wear to bed?
63:First concert?
Creed. Not by choice. Ugggggh, my eaaaaars...
64:Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65:Nike or Adidas?
Don't care.
66:Cheetos Or Fritos?
67:Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Depends on the occasion.
68:Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69:Ever take dance lessons?
Of course.
70:Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Something I can't do, to balance things out.
71:Can you curl your tongue?
72:Ever won a spelling bee?
Haha, no! That stupid Barf guy did!
73:Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Oh yeah, definitely.
74:Own any record albums?
75:Own a record player?
Yes, ma'am!
76:Regularly burn incense?
Not regularly, but often.
77:Ever been in love?
78:Who would you like to see in concert?
People who shouldn't be doing concerts anymore. Plus The Shins.
79:What was the last concert you saw?
Weezer? I don't get to concerts much.
80:Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea.
81:Tea or coffee?
Tea, usually.
82:Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Sugar. Snickerdoodles weird me out.
83:Can you swim well?
I'm decent.
84:Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85:Are you patient?
For the most part.
86:DJ or band, at a wedding?
87:Ever won a contest?
Yeah, I think so.
88:Ever have plastic surgery?
89:Which are better black or green olives?
90:Can you knit or crochet?
I can knit! Crocheting is so hard.
91:Best room for a fireplace?
My room, baby. ;)
92:Do you want to get married?
Yep, someday.
93:If married, how long have you been married?
94:Who was your HS crush?
Did people have just one??
95:Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Not typically anymore.
96:Do you have kids?
97:Do you want kids?
Certainly not yet.
98:Whats your favorite color?
Lime green.
99:Do you miss anyone right now?
I do, thanks for asking.
Le Lair
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
My super awesome bestie is named Katie Kowalski.
Yeah, I have two best friends with alliterative names. (see post "Little Miss Hannah Harris")
Today, this most lovely of days, is her birthday!
So, my dearest Katie divine, here is a trip down memory lane for you. I'm so happy you're my friend.
Yeah, I have two best friends with alliterative names. (see post "Little Miss Hannah Harris")
Today, this most lovely of days, is her birthday!
So, my dearest Katie divine, here is a trip down memory lane for you. I'm so happy you're my friend.
This is the first picture I took of you ever. |
"Full house, boys, we're goin' to AMERICA!" |
"Vaychull, vhat are you doing? Oh! Absolut Wodka. Absolutely Vonderful." |
![]() |
To: Chad Bear. From: Mortensia. |
"Hey, I just met you, and this is CRAZY." |
Boom boom clap. Boom de-clap de-clap. |
"Dun-nuh BAD-RO-OH-MANCE!" |
"Don't be such a beetle! I could never love anyone as I love my sisters." |
When we are old ladies, we will lure all the young men. |
![]() |
"Who cares? I mean, it's sort of exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules." |
"Oh hellllllllooooooo...." (In our British accents, with waterbottle wine.) |
"I've just realized -- we have a lot of dead guys on our wall..." |
Ah, the dumpster divin' days....with honey masks...dreaming of SALMON, "epicarvus" wraps, and ice cream!! |
Fiddle-dee-dee and Great Balls of Fire! We'll think about that tomorrow. |
"It's is I: KITTENY SPEARS!!" |
I will not have Starbucks. I will not eat flour. I'll steer clear of sugar. Soooooooo, I just had coffee and one of those brownie cookies for breakfast.... |
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"It's like... oily hell." |
Katie L and Granola Rachel, reporting for duty. |
From political legitimacy to Virginia Woolf, Charles Darwin to Spelling Bees. |
"Takin a DIP! Checkin' it twice!" |
"Take the caramel...with the popcorn still in your mouth..." |
Happy Birthday to the best roommate ever and someone I love very much!
See you soon, KK! Happy 24th!!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Deadbeat Club
Okay, kids. Today's post is going to essentially be one big Inside Joke, so if you didn't hang out with me from the years 2004 to 2008, you might just want to move on. On the other hand, if you are one of these people, you might've been able to tell that even in my young, tender years I knew one of my self-proclaimed missions in life would be that of Memory Keeper. This isn't a difficult mission to fulfill, since I'm very bad at throwing away anything of sentiment, and there's little I enjoy more than a good romp through the past to figure out what's changed and what probably never will. Today I did some rifling through old things and found a big ol' box of stuff from my 8th grade obsesso-archiving years.
I'm lucky enough to have remained in contact with many of my friends from this time. If you guys are listening, I hope you take as much delight in these gems as I did upon finding them.
1) Once upon a time we all memorized: FIDEM MEAM OBLIGO VEXILIO CIVITIUM...
2) CC: We gave you a makeover on the 6th of July in 2004. I had zero recollection of this before I read it on this paper.
3) The last episode of Friends aired in 2004. Did anyone else get kind of emotional about this?
4) "MY NAME'S _______ TOOOOOOOOOO!!" -Noel, to every single princess at the Lilac Parade.
5) BL and I planned a trip across Washington state. It involved going to Semiahmoo, which is a town neither of could actually pronounce but both of us loved to pretend to. I am still waiting to take this trip. As I recall we rationed gas like bosses and even had a yellow car.
6) This doesn't really involve anyone else, but whenever September approached, I started having the worst back-to-school nightmares. Some of the pre-8th grade ones involved: my best friend stealing my crush; my least favorite teacher giving me a citation; my second least favorite teacher discovering me in the girl's bathroom as I attempted to conceal my naked self with a towel and writing me a citation; my principal turning into a turtle, etc.
7) CG used to have this super great way of saying "Wow!" that would make us all laugh and immediately tell him to do it again. Still makes me smile.
8) One day at lunch I wrote a song about chocolate milk and sang it every time I had chocolate milk thereafter for about a year. It went like this:
Chocolate milk is good
Chocolate milk is great
I'd eat it hot, I'd eat it cold,
I'd eat it off a plate.
Strawberry milk is good.
But chocolate milk is better.
It's good for you and tastes great too,
That's why I wear a sweater!
9) It used to be, when you'd go on a vacation, every single one of your friends would email you telling you how much they were going to miss you, then they'd email you again for at least the first two days you were gone. Then you'd print out these emails just cause they made you feel so full of self worth.
10) Emma Butterworth's ism: "Hot-NESS!"
11) This is what I predicted you'd all be "when you grew up":
-CC: Professor or Architect
-CG: Teacher or Professional Athelete
-EB: Broadway Actress or Music Teacher
-BL: Fashion Designer or Scientist
-OH: Oceanographer, Lawyer, or Doctor
-TW: Teacher or Homemaker/Mom
-Myself: Writer or Dentist
12) Remember polls?
13) Remember when we all took that Data Match quiz that linked us up with people who were supposed to be compatible with? That was weird.
14) Other great quotes. (From -- you guessed it -- the quote book):
"Girls are not like pop machines. You can't just keep going back for refills." -CC
"Are you my keeper?!" -BL
"I bet they went to Mc****ing Donalds!!" -TW
"I have so much pep, I don't know what to do with it! So I put it into my knitting." -EB
"Look! Look! If you do this (she sucks on a Mountain Dew bottle) it does nothing!" -BL
"I HAVE MASSIVE SPOTS ON MY NOSE!" -B, E, R, & T quoting Emma Watson
"GASP! Can I put your markers in rainbow order?!" -EB, to a Science classmate
"Okay, so I have these...these proverbial children -- they're like the kids I'm going to have, but they live in my head -- and every time I'm gonna do something I just think about it and I say 'What would the kids think?' It's like What Would Jesus Do, but it's What Would the Kids Think." -TW
"I never really learned to be anything -- it just kind of happened, I guess. I'm kinda like an infomercial with extra goodies." -CC
"He's a yellow-bellied chicken. More like a yellow-bellied blowfish. He's just yella' Yella like a banana. Like a... banana loco man!!!" -EB
"I just realized I called you a nerd, and I'm listening to polka music." -BL
"I have lion boobs!!" -RB
Miss you guys. Think about you always.
I'm lucky enough to have remained in contact with many of my friends from this time. If you guys are listening, I hope you take as much delight in these gems as I did upon finding them.
1) Once upon a time we all memorized: FIDEM MEAM OBLIGO VEXILIO CIVITIUM...
2) CC: We gave you a makeover on the 6th of July in 2004. I had zero recollection of this before I read it on this paper.
3) The last episode of Friends aired in 2004. Did anyone else get kind of emotional about this?
4) "MY NAME'S _______ TOOOOOOOOOO!!" -Noel, to every single princess at the Lilac Parade.
5) BL and I planned a trip across Washington state. It involved going to Semiahmoo, which is a town neither of could actually pronounce but both of us loved to pretend to. I am still waiting to take this trip. As I recall we rationed gas like bosses and even had a yellow car.
6) This doesn't really involve anyone else, but whenever September approached, I started having the worst back-to-school nightmares. Some of the pre-8th grade ones involved: my best friend stealing my crush; my least favorite teacher giving me a citation; my second least favorite teacher discovering me in the girl's bathroom as I attempted to conceal my naked self with a towel and writing me a citation; my principal turning into a turtle, etc.
7) CG used to have this super great way of saying "Wow!" that would make us all laugh and immediately tell him to do it again. Still makes me smile.
8) One day at lunch I wrote a song about chocolate milk and sang it every time I had chocolate milk thereafter for about a year. It went like this:
Chocolate milk is good
Chocolate milk is great
I'd eat it hot, I'd eat it cold,
I'd eat it off a plate.
Strawberry milk is good.
But chocolate milk is better.
It's good for you and tastes great too,
That's why I wear a sweater!
9) It used to be, when you'd go on a vacation, every single one of your friends would email you telling you how much they were going to miss you, then they'd email you again for at least the first two days you were gone. Then you'd print out these emails just cause they made you feel so full of self worth.
10) Emma Butterworth's ism: "Hot-NESS!"
11) This is what I predicted you'd all be "when you grew up":
-CC: Professor or Architect
-CG: Teacher or Professional Athelete
-EB: Broadway Actress or Music Teacher
-BL: Fashion Designer or Scientist
-OH: Oceanographer, Lawyer, or Doctor
-TW: Teacher or Homemaker/Mom
-Myself: Writer or Dentist
12) Remember polls?
13) Remember when we all took that Data Match quiz that linked us up with people who were supposed to be compatible with? That was weird.
14) Other great quotes. (From -- you guessed it -- the quote book):
"Girls are not like pop machines. You can't just keep going back for refills." -CC
"Are you my keeper?!" -BL
"I bet they went to Mc****ing Donalds!!" -TW
"I have so much pep, I don't know what to do with it! So I put it into my knitting." -EB
"Look! Look! If you do this (she sucks on a Mountain Dew bottle) it does nothing!" -BL
"I HAVE MASSIVE SPOTS ON MY NOSE!" -B, E, R, & T quoting Emma Watson
"GASP! Can I put your markers in rainbow order?!" -EB, to a Science classmate
"Okay, so I have these...these proverbial children -- they're like the kids I'm going to have, but they live in my head -- and every time I'm gonna do something I just think about it and I say 'What would the kids think?' It's like What Would Jesus Do, but it's What Would the Kids Think." -TW
"I never really learned to be anything -- it just kind of happened, I guess. I'm kinda like an infomercial with extra goodies." -CC
"He's a yellow-bellied chicken. More like a yellow-bellied blowfish. He's just yella' Yella like a banana. Like a... banana loco man!!!" -EB
"I just realized I called you a nerd, and I'm listening to polka music." -BL
"I have lion boobs!!" -RB
Miss you guys. Think about you always.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
A New Moon
The Moon is in protective Cancer all day. This morning's Venus-Pluto quincunx points to a time of adjustments and re-assessments in our close personal relationships and/or with regards to our social lives. Issues of power and control can arise. Unreasonable or irrational fears of loss, or jealousy, could also emerge. Mercury's square to Saturn doesn't help to soften the rough edges either. Instead, it can stimulate differences in opinion, challenges understanding one another, and stubbornly clinging to our ideas and opinions. Communications may be blocked or delayed, and negative thinking could dominate at this time. This evening, Venus sextiles Uranus and we are attracted to unusual or out of the ordinary experiences. A semi-square between Mercury and Venus can stimulate our desire to communicate, but we can be quite sensitive to what's said, or not said.
Month's Project: Maintain old friendships, secure new ones; apologize for fractured ones, nurture beloved ones. -RB
In other news, a colleague shared this with clip from Carousel with me today. I was blown away. I've gotta rent Carousel.
In other other news, here's what I'm listening to:
And finally what's inspiring me this week:
No idea what's going on here, but Jessica Chastain is 100% lovely. |
goodnight moon.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Little Miss Hannah Harris
Happy birthday my love!!
While I can't be with you in person, I certainly am in memory...
While I can't be with you in person, I certainly am in memory...
"I'm glad we both felt the need to clarify we liked The Smiths before 500 Days of Summer." |
"She says I'm not romantic. I say she's too dramatic." |
"I don't want aaaanybody else! When I think *about* you I TRUST MYSELF!" |
Jammies? Spoon? |
"She get to know you... |
...She going to own you!" |
"Letting the days go by..." |
"I'm Haha." "That's makes me Rara! And Katie's.... Kaka?!" "No." |
Jo-jos. Chiptole. Dumpster-rescued bread. Sketch vegan cupcakes. SHAKA!! |
"Sheeeeennuhis...pnkrckr, Shnnnnuhis...a pnkrockr, Shnnnnuhis...a pnkrockr NOOOOOWW!" |
"My heart goin' boom, boom, boom..." |
"If you wanna know if he loves you so it's in his KI-uhSSS." |
Love. Love. Love. I want your love. |
"Thish ish my teleshcope!" |
"I feel stronger with you close by." |
You da bomb, Hannah Harris.
HAPPY 22ND!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Today's Thoughts
It's been quite breezy here in London as of late. It's also been manically cold, which I should've expected, but was brainwashed into believing was another month or so off by the intense Indian Summer heat that greeted me on arrival.
Anyway, today I was walking to the library and watching this girl try to light her cigarette as she walked against the wind. I had a great ironical laugh to myself, imagining her inner monologue:
"Gawddammit, light -- LIGHT for God sake! One...two...ugh, stupid wind! Ahhh. Ahhhhhhh. Come on, almost there! DAMMIT, WHY DOES THE EARTH HATE ME? WHY CAN'T I JUST TAKE ANOTHER BLOODY STEP TOWARD CANCER ALREADY!?"
I sort of wanted to point out that the elements were only doing her a favor, but somehow I figured she wouldn't delight in my perspective.
Speaking of cigarettes, if I can't think of any better Halloween costume, I might just have to go as Johnny Cash:
I think I've got his old kind of bug-eyed look going, but I had to hide my girlish lips more Joaquin style...
On another page (ah hahaha, you'll get that joke in two seconds), I entered my room upon return from dinner today, having left in the midst of starting another essay, and realized an infestation has begun here...
It started off shrewdly, but then I found them creeping along my countertops...
one of them had even staked ownership of my bed:
Seriously, though -- I'm reading like mad right now, and trying to find SOMETHING (ANYTHING) that hasn't already been covered in Shakespeare criticism for my next essay.
Wish me luck!
Anyway, today I was walking to the library and watching this girl try to light her cigarette as she walked against the wind. I had a great ironical laugh to myself, imagining her inner monologue:
"Gawddammit, light -- LIGHT for God sake! One...two...ugh, stupid wind! Ahhh. Ahhhhhhh. Come on, almost there! DAMMIT, WHY DOES THE EARTH HATE ME? WHY CAN'T I JUST TAKE ANOTHER BLOODY STEP TOWARD CANCER ALREADY!?"
I sort of wanted to point out that the elements were only doing her a favor, but somehow I figured she wouldn't delight in my perspective.
Speaking of cigarettes, if I can't think of any better Halloween costume, I might just have to go as Johnny Cash:
I think I've got his old kind of bug-eyed look going, but I had to hide my girlish lips more Joaquin style...
On another page (ah hahaha, you'll get that joke in two seconds), I entered my room upon return from dinner today, having left in the midst of starting another essay, and realized an infestation has begun here...
It started off shrewdly, but then I found them creeping along my countertops...
and lurking amidst my writings...
one of them had even staked ownership of my bed:
Seriously, though -- I'm reading like mad right now, and trying to find SOMETHING (ANYTHING) that hasn't already been covered in Shakespeare criticism for my next essay.
Wish me luck!
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