Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A New Moon

I'm so scared about the future, and I want to talk to you...

The Moon is in protective Cancer all day. This morning's Venus-Pluto quincunx points to a time of adjustments and re-assessments in our close personal relationships and/or with regards to our social lives. Issues of power and control can arise. Unreasonable or irrational fears of loss, or jealousy, could also emerge. Mercury's square to Saturn doesn't help to soften the rough edges either. Instead, it can stimulate differences in opinion, challenges understanding one another, and stubbornly clinging to our ideas and opinions. Communications may be blocked or delayed, and negative thinking could dominate at this time. This evening, Venus sextiles Uranus and we are attracted to unusual or out of the ordinary experiences. A semi-square between Mercury and Venus can stimulate our desire to communicate, but we can be quite sensitive to what's said, or not said.


Month's Project: Maintain old friendships, secure new ones; apologize for fractured ones, nurture beloved ones. -RB

In other news, a colleague shared this with clip from Carousel with me today. I was blown away. I've gotta rent Carousel.

In other other news, here's what I'm listening to:


And finally what's inspiring me this week:

No idea what's going on here, but Jessica Chastain is 100% lovely.

 goodnight moon.

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