So this phrase has been flying around for the past few years or so, and I'm beginning to find it more and more useful in my descriptions of actresses, artists, friends, heroes, and songsters I love. Can't get enough of it! I've always been one to admire (occasionally to envy, I admit...), and I've developed several of these so-named "crushes" in my time. I present them here, in no particular order:
Not only is she beautiful and talented (singing with an opera when she was barely a teen?!), she played one of my most coveted roles: Christine Daae in Phantom of the Opera. Can't say I've seen much of her work after that, though. I tried watching "Dare" and found it God-awful, though more for the writing than her. Still, if I could look anything like Emmy Rossum, I'd feel evermore blessed.
Good. God. That eyebrow. How does she do that? There never could be and never WILL be a more perfect Scarlett O'Hara. This woman is without a doubt one of the most underratedly gorgeous women of the classic Hollywood era. She could easily give Bette Davis (excuse me --
bleeegh) a run for her money, and I would even go so far as to put her in the ranks of Audrey Hepburn. Not quite so pixie-sweet, but it's her sassy edge that makes Leigh so intriguing. Perhaps I wouldn't have loved her in person.
About five years ago I wasn't nuts about Angie. I knew her only as Lara Croft: Tomb-Raider and Brad Pitt (whom I also was fond of at the time)'s wife. Now I have shamelessly joined the Jolie-loving masses and can only say I stand corrected: she is tres tres tres jolie, indeed. Love her firey attitude and open yet elusive nature. I think she's got Hollywood wrapped around her finger like Gaga does the music industry. Smokin' hot in Wanted and absolutely terrifyingly magnetic in Girl, Interrupted. She's definitely the sexiest of this list.
I haven't seen Lohman in much, but what I have seen her in I've found her to be pleasingly natural. She's innocent yet very mature, and seems to have a great handle on her acting presence. I appreciate her blonde over brown features (like moi) and love that she's avoided being too typecast into roles that don't showcase her talent by writing herself off as a young sex kitten.
Amy just seems like such a sweetheart. Very down to earth and secure in who she is. Plus she has such a marvelous voice and attitude. Wish I could have those gams and that hair.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LAUPER. Can't say enough about Lauper. She has been my idol since the eighth grade -- actually probably since my first watching of "The Goonies", whenever that was. She's original, fierce, talented, crazy, and has got the most bizarro hair I've ever seen on a person. I want to dress just like her always. The original Gaga.
Anna Sophia Robb looks just like this beautiful, thin angel of a ballerina who danced at my studio when I was growing up. She was two years older than me, weighed half as much as I did, probably, and had the most amazing long blonde hair. And turnout. I wanted to be her on a daily basis. So I guess my girl crush on Robb is partially a continuation of that girl crush, but also I think she's quite a talented actress for someone so young. I've seen three or so of her movies and loved them all, even though I suppose they were out of my age-range. Pfsssh, you're never too old for "Samantha: An American Girl Christmas." Never.
Forget Audrey, this Hepburn has one hell of a more entertaining personality! Where I'm sure Audrey would sip tea with you and talk about all sorts of graceful and polite things, Katherine Hepburn would probably shoot the nearest squirrel and have that with her scone, then fire off some absurd political opinion that you wouldn't dare argue with, cause that woman's a straight shot, dammit! I wish I could've known Katherine Hepburn. I have a feeling if I were given the chance to act with her she probably would've made me cry, but I don't think I'd even care.
This lady's so weird! And of course, I love it. You may ask why I chose such a friz-ball out-of-focus picture: I assure you, it was on purpose. Ever seen A Room with a View? Don't -- it's not really worth it for how long and slow it is -- but if you get a chance to peruse some screen shots from it, dig young Bonham Carter and tell me she isn't the most naturally, interestingly beautiful young person you've ever seen. This woman BELONGS back in the 1910s. So gorgeous. If you do want a good film of Helena's younger years, I suggest you rent the Mel Gibson version of Hamlet. She does a great job acting insane, as par usj.
Ah, Anne Hathaway. There was a time where I believed she "sold out to Hollywood" after Princess Diaries because I didn't realize that, although Mia Thermopolis looked originally frizzy and awkward, the actress herself was always a goddess-bombshell. I guess I can't blame her much for wanting to get out of Disney-land, but I miss her younger personality. Still think she's beautiful, talented, and lovely. If I ever get to Hollywood, I hope she is my friend.
Even more do I hope this girl is my friend. God, I love Christina Ricci. She's so adorable, and so strange. She's got that high-pitched almost grating voice, that strange ball of a head, and those protuberant eyes that make you think she's looking right at you through the TV.... Everything about her that should be sort of homely I find awesomely attractive. I used to sit and wonder why I didn't have such a lovely big forehead like the one she's got and when my mom would look at me strangely, I'd just pop in "Casper" again. Now days I like my forehead just fine, but my appreciation of hers hasn't waned.
Ally Sheedy, Ally Sheedy... Couldn't you have just stayed Allison Reynolds forever... then become my best friend? You are just so cool.
Yes, we all love Gaga. Yes, some of us don't and those select few are shouting at me right now. Yes, I'm okay with that. Do you have a dress made of Kermit the Frogs? I don't think so.
I think her name is Natasha Page. She's from England which gives her double points, and her hair is beautiful. I came across her YouTube channel while searching for 40s hair how-tos, and realized that she's bomb. Oddly enough, I think she kinda sounds like Olivia Newton John.
Check her out here:
The Bangles, baby, the Bangles! If I could be any rocker, man... Well, I guess I'd have to be Cyndi. But after Cyndi, I'd chose Susanna.
I know everyone loves Lea Michele for Glee, but has everyone forgotten about Spring Awakening? She was AMAZING in this (as I've heard... I never actually got to see it...) and her voice -- spectacular. Mostly I am in love with the character Wendla and love her for that (she comes off as kind of inflated in interviews), but I also think she's gorgeous and indescribably talented. One of the most naturally beautiful voices I've ever heard. Too bad, from what I've heard, Glee screws it up.
Jennifer Aniston is someone I think I love mostly as a character. I never really think of her as anything more than Rachel, and I probably never will. And I think I'm okay with that. Aniston has a rockin' bod, beautiful skin and hair, and seems to just get finer with age. I dig.
Oh. my. god. This girl.... I wish I knew her so I didn't have to ENVY her so much... though maybe I'd just envy her more in that case. She has the most fantastic sense of style, as everyone knows, and seems so quirky and off-beat. Part of me wants to think she's just a spoiled rotten she-devil who gets everything she wants cause her parents are big-time designers..... but I think she's actually a really down-to-earth, intelligent person who just so happens to be rich and gorgeous. Sigh.
Cate Blanchette. You are so bomb. Why can't you be a man so I can find you and marry you? No words necessary, this woman is gorgeous and oh-so talented. Another one who's aged well and seems very grounded and intelligent. Can't get enough of her. Especially in Benjamin.
Molly Ringwald. |
Are words even necessary?
So there you go; all my girl crushes. I'll keep adding to the list if more come to mind -- above Molly, of course, cause she's got to top everything off. Who am I talking to? Nobody reads this thing. Well, for the record, there you go.
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