Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today's Thoughts

It's been quite breezy here in London as of late. It's also been manically cold, which I should've expected, but was brainwashed into believing was another month or so off by the intense Indian Summer heat that greeted me on arrival.

Anyway, today I was walking to the library and watching this girl try to light her cigarette as she walked against the wind. I had a great ironical laugh to myself, imagining her inner monologue:

"Gawddammit, light -- LIGHT for God sake! One...two...ugh, stupid wind! Ahhh. Ahhhhhhh. Come on, almost there! DAMMIT, WHY DOES THE EARTH HATE ME? WHY CAN'T I JUST TAKE ANOTHER BLOODY STEP TOWARD CANCER ALREADY!?"

I sort of wanted to point out that the elements were only doing her a favor, but somehow I figured she wouldn't delight in my perspective.

Speaking of cigarettes, if I can't think of any better Halloween costume, I might just have to go as Johnny Cash:

I think I've got his old kind of bug-eyed look going, but I had to hide my girlish lips more Joaquin style...

On another page (ah hahaha, you'll get that joke in two seconds), I entered my room upon return from dinner today, having left in the midst of starting another essay, and realized an infestation has begun here...

It started off shrewdly, but then I found them creeping along my countertops...

and lurking amidst my writings...

one of them had even staked ownership of my bed:




Seriously, though -- I'm reading like mad right now, and trying to find SOMETHING (ANYTHING) that hasn't already been covered in Shakespeare criticism for my next essay.

Wish me luck!

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